Steve Palmer

Columbus OVI Traffic Violations Attorneys Driving Your Defense

While a traffic violation might seem like a small thing, it can have big consequences that drastically affect your life. It can be costly, inconvenient, and in some cases, criminal.

Smaller infractions like speeding can rack up fines and increase insurance rates. Your license may even be suspended. More serious offenses like drunk driving (DUI, OVI, DWI, OMVI) and reckless operation could have more serious repercussions like jail or a prison sentence. These varying forms of penalty can, at the very least, disrupt your ability to make a living. Let one of our experienced Columbus OVI attorneys guide you through this complicated process.

OVI/DUI/Drunk Driving Attorneys

OVI. DUI. DWI. OMVI. What is the difference? It matters. Deciphering between these offenses is imperative in dealing with your drunk driving case. Repeat offenses increase the severity of punishment, which can include anything from license suspension to time in prison.

Traffic Violations Attorneys

It’s not as simple as your everyday speeding ticket. Reckless operation is a serious moving violation that can lead to fatal accidents. A charge of vehicular manslaughter is to be taken very seriously. Know the laws and the differences between offenses.

Need A Traffic Violation Or OVI Attorney In Columbus Or Central Ohio?

Call us at 614-224-6142. Or, let us take the weight off your shoulders. Get started with us immediately by clicking the button below.