An OVI Criminal Defense Attorney With Answers
I am criminal defense attorney Steve Palmer. As the founder of Palmer Legal Defense, I am passionate about helping people understand that one wrong choice or bad decision does not have to destroy their future. I have been helping people in central Ohio recover from the aftermath of a drinking and driving charge, like operating a vehicle intoxicated (OVI), for over 25 years. I can provide calm and steady guidance and support as you take the next steps following yours.
What Comes Next After Your OVI?
The initial anxiety and stress of DUI or OVI are the worst. It’s easy to feel like your world is over. The negative feedback loop inside your mind begins.
It goes something like this: “My life is over. I’m a horrible person. I’m an alcoholic. I’m going to lose everything – job, family, etc. I’m going to jail. And so on, and so on, and so on….”
Then the questions start: “I don’t have a driver’s license; how am I going to get to work Monday? What am I going to tell my family, kids, wife, friends? What will they say at work? What will they say at church? And so on, and so on, and so on….”
I understand. I have worked with countless individuals in the same situation. I understand that the first conversation with someone facing a DUI or OVI is critical – not just to get the case started. It’s critical to their personal, mental and psychological well-being.
Attorneys are often accused of being emotionless or callous to people’s feelings and problems. This reputation reflects the attitude of many attorneys who either lack the capacity for empathy or who have become too immersed and focused on the world of legal issues.
When people first reach out to my office the day after a DUI charge (often Saturday or Sunday morning), we can sense the despair and anguish. People need the one thing that will help quell their anxiety – information. I don’t always have every answer right away, but I know how to get them. One thing is certain – You are not alone. Many others in Ohio have faced a DUI or second DUI or even a third DUI (etc.) and have survived. If you are facing one right now, you will get through it. And soon enough, the whole mess will be in the rearview mirror.
It’s not always easy for people to see the big picture the morning after a DUI/OVI. As an OVI attorney, I make it my priority to answer all of the initial questions (there are no “stupid” questions) and do my best to explain the process, the next steps and what is likely to happen.
Sometimes, there are no concrete answers. But in my many years of practice, if it can happen in a DUI case, chances are I’ve been there, done that, and helped others through it. I am happy to share my thoughts and experience to help get you through the stress and anxiety of “the morning after.” I know that it feels like the world has stopped and everything is hopeless. But I am here to help.
For anyone in this situation, the best way to deal with the anxiety is to seek information and move forward. The first step is to contact an attorney and get help. It’s tempting to sit at home and hide. But the best tonic is action. That starts with a call to my office, even if it’s early, late, or the weekend. I am available to help 24/7.
Getting Your Car Back From The Impound Lot
Many wake up the next morning after a DUI without a car or driver’s license. This adds even more despair and helplessness to the whole mess.
Often police are left with no choice but to impound your vehicle after a DUI or OVI arrest.
No matter how many times a driver tells them that they don’t care if their car is left on the side of the road, police generally can’t do that. They will most likely call a tow truck and impound it. Depending on the jurisdiction in Ohio, the police agency may have its own impound lot. If not, they may take your vehicle to a private impound lot.
There is often a procedure to get the car back, even if it’s a weekend or holiday. The first step is to figure out where they took the car.
Generally, the police will give you a stack of papers after charging you with an OVI. Check those papers first, often the impound information is included. The police typically circle or highlight the information. If you find the information, call the impound lot to figure out if you can pick up your vehicle and what you will need.
If the impound information is not in the paperwork, it’s ok to call the police agency. Typically, the operator answering the nonemergency number will be able to tell you the procedure to get your car.
Sometimes the impound lot requires documents from the police before they release the vehicle. They may also require some sort of proof of ownership. Most importantly, it will require help from family members or a friend (or two). A DUI often results in an immediate driver’s license suspension. That means someone must drive to the tow lot and another driver is needed to get the impounded car home. There are also fees associated with the tow and impound. Those fees must be paid before any impound lot (public or private) will release the car.
There are certain situations where the impound lot will not release the vehicle without a court order. When there are one or more prior DUI convictions, the car may be subject to immobilization. Even without prior convictions, some impound lots mistakenly believe that they cannot release the car, even though there is no basis for them to hold it. I can help you work through any of these issues, even on weekends. No matter the situation, it’s usually a priority to get the car out of impound ASAP. There are daily impound fees that add up quickly.
Contact A Columbus OVI Attorney Today
I am available for a consultation, even at night and on the weekends. Contact me by calling 614-224-6142 or sending me an email through my website. I can help you through the immediate aftermath of an OVI arrest.