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Defending Crimes Of Child Abuse And Child Pornography

Allegations of child abuse are complex and deeply emotional. And the repercussions of such claims can be very damaging. In addition to potential imprisonment and hefty fines, you risk a permanently tarnished reputation that could affect your family, your livelihood and your standing within the community.

My name is Steve Palmer and I am a criminal defense attorney. I don’t want my clients to be haunted by one wrong mistake. I founded Palmer Legal Defense in Columbus and have dedicated my legal career to providing criminal defense for those accused of crimes in central Ohio.

Child Abuse Crimes In Ohio

Allegations of child abuse or child pornography are devastating to everyone. Child abuse is a broad term that encompasses the physical, sexual and/or emotional mistreatment of a child and is primarily regulated at the state and local levels for Columbus and Ohio.

Criminal Physical Abuse Of A Child

Physical child abuse is the intentional mistreatment of a minor that results in physical injury. This is often suspected due to the presence of unexplained bruises, burns, bites, broken bones and other signs of violence, though no visible evidence is required to file a complaint that leads to an investigation.

What Is Emotional Abuse?

Recurring actions and behaviors that disrupt the development of a child (psychologically, socially and otherwise) constitute emotional abuse. Emotional abuse is rarely based on a single incident and builds slowly over time. Emotional abuse is often alleged alongside other, more tangible accusations of physical or sexual abuse.

Criminal Sexual Abuse Attorneys

Sexual abuse of a minor involves forcing a child to participate in or bear witness to act(s) of a sexual nature and it is a serious sex crime. This can cause physical and emotional damage that drastically endangers the child’s well-being.

And because instances of child abuse often go unreported, if someone bears witness to or becomes suspicious of child abuse and fails to report it to the proper authorities, they, too, are at risk of criminal charges.

Child Pornography Crimes In Ohio

Child pornography is a different type of abuse altogether. Child pornography exploits children expansively through the internet, going beyond state lines and creating a global impact (when you consider the massive perimeter of international child pornography rings). This takes a crime to the federal level, where the repercussions are severe. If charged, you’ll need a fierce criminal lawyer who is experienced in federal court to ensure the complete protection of your rights.

What Is Child Pornography?

Child pornography is defined as the depiction of sexually explicit material involving a child (a person under the age of 18) through video, photography, and computer-generated imagery that unmistakably represents the likeness of a specific child. Child pornography charges can be filed when a person is involved in the production or promotion of sexually explicit material involving a minor. But people in possession are also guilty and can wind up with a lengthy prison sentence and large fines. Whether the child in question has consented or not, if the material involves persons under the age of 18, it is considered child pornography and is a felony charge that is punishable by law.

Misunderstanding And False Accusations Can Easily Happen

All it takes is one person’s word to create the kind of suspicion and doubt that can forever damage someone’s reputation. It’s up to your criminal attorney to make sure no stone has been left unturned when planning your defense and clearing your name. I have experience with preparing effective criminal defense strategies for complex and high-profile state or federal crimes. I can help you prepare a criminal defense strategy that will protect your rights. I can help you fight for your reputation and your freedom.

Contact A Criminal Defense Attorney Today

I am available for confidential consultation appointments. If you have been accused of a child abuse or sex crime, I can help protect your reputation and your rights. Contact me to schedule an appointment by calling 614-224-6142 or by sending an email.