Steve Palmer

Suppression Motions In An Ohio OVI Case

Last updated on November 10, 2023

My name is Steven Palmer and I am an OVI defense attorney who exclusively practices criminal law. I founded Palmer Legal Defense in Columbus to help clients throughout central Ohio who are facing criminal charges, often for the first time. If you have been charged with an OVI, I want you to know and understand that it does not have to ruin your future and that I can help you move forward from this difficult moment in your life.

Pretrial Motions To Suppress Evidence

The defense of DUI or OVI cases in Ohio often begins with pretrial Motions to Suppress Evidence. There are several types of Suppression Motions in DUI cases, but there are generally two categories in Ohio.

Fourth Amendment Challenges

The first category is 4th Amendment challenges. If the police violated a suspect’s rights under the 4th Amendment, all the evidence found as a result is “suppressed” from use at trial. This is what happens when “the evidence was thrown out of court.” In DUI cases, the police might violate the 4th Amendment by stopping a car for an invalid reason (may they just had a “hunch”). Generally, a traffic violation is good enough. But sometimes the police may get it wrong. For instance, police might base a stop on an alleged marked lane violation. But the police cruiser cameras later show that the violation did not occur. There is a good argument that everything found as a result of the stop should be thrown out – including police observations, sobriety test results and even chemical BAC test results.

Even if the stop is deemed valid, police may not have enough evidence to justify an arrest for DUI. In order to arrest someone under the 4th Amendment, police must have “probable cause.” Without getting into the depths, probable cause generally means that the police had a genuine reasonable belief that the suspect was committing a violation of law. In a DUI case, the police must have probable cause the suspect was impaired. And that is not always clear. Sometimes the police act too quickly and place a suspect under arrest before they develop enough probable cause. Or they might just not have enough information to justify an arrest. This why it’s imperative for those pulled over for DUI to consider carefully whether they should refuse a field sobriety test. Police rely heavily on FST’s to justify an arrest for DUI or OVI. These tests give the police a means to describe and testify about impairment. Without them (in the case where a suspect refuses), police do not have the benefit of this evidence. That makes the probable cause justification more difficult for the prosecution. If there is no probable cause, then all evidence discovered after the arrest (generally a chemical BAC test) is “suppressed” from use at trial.

Challenges To Test Results

The second category of suppression motions in Ohio DUI cases involves challenges to the admissibility of chemical test results. Ohio law is somewhat unique here. It requires that defendants challenge the admissibility and reliability of chemical tests in pretrial Motions to Suppress. Generally, this is a challenge to the administration of blood, breath, or urine tests. Motions to Suppress results typically require the prosecution to bring evidence into a pretrial hearing to show that the test was conducted in compliance with the Ohio Administrative Code and that the police maintained the testing device(s) correctly. For example, most breath testing machines require regular calibration checks, and the police must maintain calibration and repair records. If they fail to do so, the results of the test can be suppressed or thrown out of court.

Complicated Legal Issues

Both categories of suppression motions are often factually and legally complicated. All too often, attorneys either do not understand or simply have no experience in the nuances of 4th Amendment and Administrative law regarding the admissibility of chemical tests. Test results are not “automatically” admissible at a DUI trial in Ohio. Left unchallenged, however, test results often result in certain convictions. Absent experience in this area, it is easy to avoid these complex issues and simply presume that the test(s) are admissible.

Any DUI defense requires a multifaceted understanding of the scientific, constitutional and administrative legal issues. Absent that, it is impossible to analyze a case and give the best legal advice. The takeaway is simple. Find a criminal defense attorney and a DUI lawyer with experience and a good conceptual understanding of all the issues. With over 25 years of experience and handling hundreds of OVI cases, I can answer your questions and help you with yours.

Contact An Experienced OVI Attorney Today

To schedule an initial consultation, you can reach me by calling 614-224-6142. You can also schedule an appointment by using my contact form. I look forward to telling you more about how I can legally challenge the charges you are facing.